All Brazilian Volkswagens to Come with 24-Hour Monitoring System

Volkswagen Saveiro, one of the cars to get the new Crow Telecom A new device to be installed in all passenger vehicles manufactured in Brazil by Volkswagen for the Brazilian market will allow communications  between vehicles, drivers and support centers. The innovation was announced by Motorola, which says it will be providing the module behind the Crown Telecom, the wireless core of the new system.

According to the company, Motorola's G24 GSM and GPRS wireless module is a cellular engine that  enables communication between machines. 

Motorola's module will allow  Volkswagen drivers direct, immediate access to Crown Telecom's 24 Hours  support.  Volkswagen's drivers will be able to call and receive  assistance, based critical information transferred by the vehicle in real-time.

The Telematics box embedded in each Volkswagen vehicle and by Crown  Telecom 24 Hours service deliver a number of key benefits to users  including: recovery of stolen vehicles; online monitoring of the vehicle;  notifications on traffic jams, alternatives ways to reach driver  destinations; alerts of potential hazards en-route; assistance in the event of  accidents, and even the capability to order movie tickets on the way to  the theater.

"The state-of-the-art technology and proven quality of the Crown  solution, which is enabled by Motorola's G24 wireless module, offer  Volkswagen customers an innovative, reliable support service, 24 hours a day, 7  days a week, enabling them a better driving experience", said Marcelo  Olival, Marketing and Advertising manager for Volkswagen Brazil.

"This is an extremely important project for Crown Telecom," said Jose  Antonio S. Pereira Jr., president and chief executive officer of Crown  Telecom.  "We are especially satisfied with Motorola's ongoing  integration support which allowed us to present a customized telematics solution  to important customer as Volkswagen."

"Motorola has acquired a strong presence in the automotive market as a  provider of wireless modules to the world's largest manufacturers,"  said Aviad Gefen, director of Motorola's wireless modules business unit.  

"We are happy to be selected by Crown Telecom.  We are proud that the  G24 will provide Volkswagen's Brazilian customers with a new level of  connectivity.  Motorola will continue leading the machine to machine  telematics segment in 2007, due to the superior quality and standards we  set for wireless modules."

Motorola is showcasing the G24 Wireless Module at the Motorola booth,  Hall B2, and at its booth in the M2M Pavilion, at CTIA Wireless 2007 in  Orlando. Florida.

Crown Telecom is the leading independent provider of Telematics  solutions for the automotive industry serving markets in Brazil and other  countries in South America.

Volkswagen Brazil is a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group.  With over 50  years history in Brazil and over 15 million vehicles sold to date, VW  Brazil is the most popular car manufacturer in Brazil. 

Volkswagen Brazil  constitutes 9.5% of the Volkswagen Group and has been a pioneer in  developing alternative fuel vehicles in addition to gasoline-powered cars  and trucks.


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