Brazil Gets Evidíªncias, a National Magazine on Islamism

Arab culture magazine in Portuguese, Evidências Supplying precise information about Islamism. That's what the creators of the magazine Evidências ('Evidences') say is the main purpose of the new arrival, which just appeared last week at newsstands throughout Brazil. The magazine features texts in Portuguese and is written in a clear language.

The publishers' intention is to convey to the Brazilian public the basic message of Islamic religion, which is, according to them, one of peace and understanding.

"Our intention is to show readers the essence of Islamic religion, free from distortion and prejudice," says Sayed Sharif Sayed Al-Amily, general coordinator for the publication.

Evidências magazine fills a gap in the Brazilian publishing market. In the last decades, public interest in specific subjects led to the creation of niches, with publications turned to certain segments.

"Now, people who are interested in gaining deep knowledge of Islamism, its rules, dogmas, the practices and beliefs of Muslims, have a specialized magazine at their disposal," explains professor Jamil Ibrahim Iskandar.

Holder of a postdoctoral degree in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid, he is a member of the magazine's Board of Publishers.

"One of our objectives is to build a bridge, one that will present Brazilians with a complete view of Islamism, a matter of vital strategic importance in the contemporary world," claims Sayed Sharif.

"We intend to provide a counterpoint to daily newscasts, in which Islamism and the Muslims are always linked to acts of violence, which ends up creating a partial, tendentious image, thus feeding prejudice and Islamophobia," warns Professor Iskandar.

Printed on glazed paper, featuring lots of pictures, and with approximately 80 pages, Evidências magazine is a bimonthly publication. Collaborators include icons of Arab and Islamic culture in Brazil, such as Professor Samir El-Hayek.

The texts approach issues pertaining to Islamic culture and religion that are not always accessible to the general public: the use of the veil, marriage, the relation between East and West, Islamic history, foundations, the practice of prayer, pilgrimage, as well as political, social and economic issues, dealt with from the Islamic point of view.

Evidências magazine is being distributed nationwide, and is available at newsstands. Subscriptions can be made by telephone at (+55 11) 3329-9200 or (+55 41) 3222-4515. E-mail orders should be sent to or at

Omar Nasser works for the Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná.


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