Only 35% of Brazilians Rate Lula’s Administration as Good

The approval rating of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s personal performance fell four percentage points in the latest CNI (National Industrial Confederation) opinion poll, compared to the prior poll in March.

In March the president’s approval rating was 60%, now it is 56%.

Charges of corruption in the Post Office (Correios) and the federal government were cited by 26% of those interviewed in the survey.

Other facts cited were the charges of monthly payments to members of Congress by the PT and the attempt by the government to avoid the installation of the Congressional Investigation Commission (CPI) for the Post Office scandal.

The popularity of the government itself fell four percentage points with the result that 35% of those interviewed said the administration was “good or very good;” 22% said it was “bad or very bad;” and 41% said it was “average.”

The CNI poll was conducted by Ibope and interviewed 2,002 people in 143 municipalities around the country between June 9 and 13. The poll has a 2.2 percentage point margin of error.

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