Delta Closes US$ 400-Million Deal with Brazil’s Embraer

Embraer, Brazilian aircraft manufacturer, announced that Republic Airways Holding ordered another 16 units of the Embraer 170, commercial jet with the capacity to carry between 70 and 78 passengers.

The North American company, according to Embraer’s press release, also made 34 new purchase options of the model, which may, or not, be converted into firm orders in the future.

The order, according to the Brazilian company, increased to 39 the number of firm orders made by Republic and to 61 the number of options for the purchase of the Embraer 170.

According to Embraer, the value of the contract signed January 19 is of US$ 400 million, if considered the list price for the aircraft.

If all options are converted, the value of the deal may reach US$ 1.5 billion, according to the company.

Republic, according to Embraer, will use the aircrafts in services for Delta Airlines, through the operator Delta Connection.

ANBA ”“ Brazil-Arab News Agency


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