Brazil Sends 22 to Peacekeeping Mission in Sudan

Brazil joined the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission in Sudan. Two Army officials have already left to the African country, part of a group of 22.

For the Professor of International Relations of the University of Brasí­lia, Argemiro Procópio, “this Brazilian gesture reinforces the south-south dialogue, and it is, undoubtedly, an example of the international solidarity.”

According to him, Brazil does not have interest on political and economic presence in Sudan. “This is a gesture of a poor country, which Brazil is, helping another poor country. This demonstrates an extremely positive south-south solidarity. Not only rich countries show solidarity.”

Sudan’s history is marked by conflicts between Arab Muslim northerners and the African Christians of the south.

Last year, because of confrontations at the Darfur region, located in the South of the country, thousands of families fled the region, intensifying hunger.



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