Brazzil Magazine

Premature Fever

At this stage, while campaigning is unofficial, the media should be exposing the inefficiency ...

The Alley’s Vampire

Pretty thing are you, I thought cynically, coveting the gorgeous young fascist and his ...

Wanna Buy the Sugar Loaf?

When you see two buses alongside one another and about four arms on each ...

Toil for Tots

Low wages and unemployment are mainstream concerns in Brazilian society but their most painful ...

Green Acres

Green Acres Despite the lack of infrastructure, Brazil has some of the world’s best ...


At this stage, while campaigning is unofficial, the media should be exposing the inefficiency ...

Paradise Regained

A local from Lagoinha once described it to me as one of those places ...

Against the Tide

They’re young. They’re white. They’re middle-class. Why are they playing traditional samba? What is ...

Lani Hall, Brasil Nativo

It is a testament to the universality of Bossa Nova that Brazilian Days, the ...