After a Year and a Half of Deficits Brazil Gets US$ 146 Million Surplus

Brazilian cargo truck Brazil's current transactions (all Brazilian operations overseas) resulted in a surplus of US$ 146 million in April. However, year to date, the result is a deficit of US$ 4.874 billion. This information was disclosed May 26 by Brazil's Central Bank (BC).

The positive result last month was the first after 18 months running of deficits. In April 2008, there was a deficit of US$ 3.044 billion and in the accumulated result for the year, US$ 13.304 billion.

The trade balance (exports minus imports) resulted in a surplus of US$ 3.712 billion in April and US$ 6.722 billion from January to April this year, against US$ 4.498 billion in the same period in 2008. In April last year, the trade balance surplus was US$ 5.097 billion.

The service and income result (interest, profit, dividends and international travels) resulted in a deficit of US$ 3.832 billion in April and US$ 12.702 billion in the accumulated result for the year. In the same period last year, the deficit had been US$ 5.097 billion and US$ 19.105 billion, respectively.

Unilateral transactions had a positive result of US$ 265 million in April and US$ 1.106 billion year to date.

Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment in Brazil reached US$ 3.409 billion in April this year, according to figures disclosed by the Central Bank. In April 2008, this value was greater, US$ 3.872 billion.

From January to April this year, the foreign direct investment reached US$ 8.751 billion, against US$ 12.671 registered in the same period in 2008.



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