Latin American Countries Gather in Brazil to Discuss AIDS

Representatives of the 13 Latin American countries that receive resources from the Global Fund to Combat AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria are getting together in  Brazil.

All these experts are gathering with representatives of the United Nations Joint HIV/Aids Program (UNAIDS), bilateral agencies, and other components of the United Nations (UN) system in a workshop in Rio de Janeiro.

The objective is to discuss improving projects financed by the Global Fund to prevent, treat, and combat AIDS in Latin America.

They will also talk about mechanisms to facilitate technical cooperation within the region. Proposals for the formulation of a technical assistance plan for the continent will be debated too.

The workshop will run through Friday, Apri 1st. The specific experiences and case studies of Honduras and El Salvador were presented today.

The Global Fund was responsible for 20% of the financial resources applied worldwide last year for the prevention and treatment of AIDS.



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