Brazil to Export US$ 2 Billion in Software

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva reaffirmed that, until 2007, Brazil intends to export US$ 2 billion in computer software. Lula considers this an ambitious objective, but says that Brazil has the potential to reach it.

“We proved we are capable of high achievements when we reached the record-breaking US$ 101 billion in exports,” he added.

Digital inclusion is also a government’s goal. According to the President, the government will release 90 free telecenters equipped with computers, in large cities, still this year.

Approximately 450 thousand people will benefit from this initiative.

For him, technological innovation is an essential condition for Brazil’s growth; for this reason, he has included the development of the software sector among the four great priorities of his government industrial policy.

Lula recalled that Brazil is becoming more competitive in the area of products and services with high added value.

President Lula participated, yesterday, in Araraquara, in the state of São Paulo, of the inauguration ceremony of another unit of Electronic Data Systems (EDS), an information technology service provider.

Translation: Andréa Alves

Agência Brasil


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