Brazil Offers US$ 86 Million for Research

Yesterday, Brazil’s Minister of Science and Technology, Eduardo Campos, issued 20 directives announcing the availability of funds for research projects and fellowship candidates in the area of industrial policy.

US$ 86.1 million (220.48 million reais) will be provided through the Financial Agency for Studies and Projects (Finep) and the National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq), which will operationalize the projects.

The fields mentioned in the directives comprise research involving nanotechnology, medicines and pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, software, capital goods, biotechnology, stem cells, human resource training for jobs in industry, clinical research in teaching hospitals, and biomass.

According to Sérgio Rezende, president of the Finep, the deadline for submitting proposals has not yet been set but shouldn’t extend beyond June.

For the president of the CNPq, Erney Camargo, the announcement “will encourage Brazilian scientists to remain in the country.”

According to Israel Bauvol, a researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, the directives are potential landmarks in the country’s scientific progress.



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