Best-seller books, plays & movies



Alô? Madame!… — It all starts when two friends get a phone number that belonged to a palm reader and decide to
take the clients for themselves. By Marcelo Saback and Vinicius Marques. In Rio.



Alô? Madame!… — It all starts when two friends get a phone number that belonged to a palm reader and decide to
take the clients for themselves. By Marcelo Saback and Vinicius Marques. In Rio.

A Comédia — Complicated and funny love-triangle. Maurício Lencasttre wrote and directs Viviane Dias, Ludh
Raposo and Gabriela Neri star. In São Paulo.

Como Encher um Biquíni Selvagem —
Written and directed by multitalented Miguel Falabella with Cláudia
Jimenez. A story of loneliness in the big city. In Rio.


Encontro no Supermercado
A Última Sedução —
By Shulla Megiddo, directed by Cláudio Torres.
Middle-age couple rediscover love when they meet at the supermarket. With Tereza Rachel and Luiz Carlos Moraes. In Rio.

Eu Sei que Vou Te Amar — Only after their separation couple finds out how much they loved each other. Written
by Arnaldo Jabor, directed by William Pereira. With Júlia Lemertz and Alexandre Borges. In Rio.

Mary Stuart — The struggle for power between queens Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I. From Friedrich Schiller.
Directed by Gabriel Villela. In São Paulo.

Oeste — Drama. A family feud between two brothers who see the world very differently. Sam Shepard’s play
directed by Marco Ricca with Renata Sorrah and Xuxa Lopes. In São Paulo.

Querida Mamãe — The hate-love relationship between daughter and mother. Eva Vilma stars and José Wilker
directs this Maria Adelaide Amaral’s story. In São Paulo.

Todo Mundo Sabe que Todo Mundo Sabe
— Another play from prolific and multitalented Miguel Falabella who
also directs it. A socialite struggles to avoid economic disaster. In Rio.




American films just released: The Birdcage (The Birdcage), Never Talk to Strangers (Nunca Fale com
Estranhos), Bed of Roses (Rosas da Sedução), A Little Princess (A Princesinha), Powder (Energia Pura), Nick of Time
(Tempo Esgotado), Executive Decision (Momento Crítico), Dr. Jekyll & Ms. Hyde (O Médico, a Mulher, e o
Monstro), Restoration (O Outro Lado da Nobreza), Mr. Holland’s Opus (Mr. Holland, Adorável Professor), Moondance
(O Luar dos Amantes), Strange Days (Estranhos Prazeres)

La Cérémonie (Mulheres Diabólicas)
— France/Germany — 1995 — Claude Chabrol’s thriller. The strange
relationship between a maid and the woman she works for. Isabelle Huppert stars with Jacqueline Bisset and Sandrine Bonnaire.

O Corpo (The Body) — Brazil — 1990 — With Antônio Fagundes, Marieta Severo and Claudia Jimenez. Comedy
about a happy ménage à trois. José Antônio Garcia directed. Based on short story by Clarice Lispector.

A Felicidade É… (Happiness Is…)

— Brazil (1995) — Divided in four stories: “Sonho”, “Bolo”, “Estrada”,
“Cruz”, directed by A. S. Cecílio Neto, Jorge Furtado, José Pedro Goulart, and José Roberto Torero.

Lamerica (América, o Sonho de Chegar)
— Italy — 1994 — From Gianni Amelia the story of two friends looking
for their dreamland and a better life.

Les Misérables (Os Miseráveis)
— France — 1995 — Despite all the hurdles two French families preserve
their friendship and love. Directed by Claude Lelouch.

Il Postino (O Carteiro e o Poeta)
— Italy — 1995 — Poet Pablo Neruda’s friendship with the mailman during the
writer’s exile in an Italian island. Directed by Michael Radford.

As Meninas (The Girls) — Brazil — 1995 — The story of three inseparable friends living in a for-girls-only
boarding house. Based on Lygia Fagundes Telles’s novel. Directed by Emiliano Ribeiro. With Adriana Esteves, Drica

and Cláudia Liz.

Les Silences du Palais (Os Silêncios do Palácio)

— France — 1994 — By Moufida Tlatly. After the death of her
father, a famous young singer returns to the palace where she was born.

L’Uomo delle Stelle (O Homem das Estrelas)
Italy (1995) — Artist travels with his camera throughout Italy.
From Giuseppe Tornatore.

The White Baloon (O Balão Branco)
Iran — 1995 — The dreams of a little girl whose only ambition is to get a
red fish as gift. Jafar Pahani is the director.







1. O Mundo de Sofia

Jostein Gaarder

2. A Profecia Celestina

James Redfield

3. Comédia da Vida Privada

Luís F. Veríssimo


4. Carol

Patrícia Highsmith

5. O Xangô de Baker Street

Jô Soares

6. O Dia do Curinga

Jostein Gaarder

7. Manhã, Tarde e Noite

Sidney Sheldon


8. Quase Memória

Carlos Heitor Cony

9. O Carteiro e o Poeta

Antonio Skarmeta

10. O Último Suspiro do Mouro

Salman Rushdie




1. A Assustadora História da Medicina

Richard Gordon

2. Frases

Paulo Coelho

3. Almas Gêmeas

Mônica Buonfiglio

4. Anaw6kx Cabalísticos

Mônica Buonfiglio


5. Guia de Leitura da Profecia Celestina

James Redfield

6. Encontros, Desencontros e Reencontros

Maria Helena Matarazzo

7. Diário de Getúlio Vargas

Celina Vargas do Amaral Peixoto

8. Minutos de Sabedoria

Torres Pastorino


9. A Era dos Extremos

Eric Hobsbawn

10. Simplifique sua Vida

Elaine St. James

* According to weekly newsmagazine Veja

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