Brazil’s House Speaker Meets Lula Before Deciding on Resignation

Brazil’s Speaker of the House, Severino Cavalcanti, will have talks with president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and some of his constituents back in his homestate of Pernambuco over the weekend. Then, on Monday, he is expected to announce a decision.

With the appearance of what seems to be concrete evidence that the president of the Chamber of Deputies did extort kickbacks from a restaurateur who operates restaurants and snack bars in the congressional office building, Cavalcanti has remained secluded in his official residence for two days reportedly giving deep thought to his political future. According to a colleague, deputy Nilton Capixaba, Cavalcanti has no choice: he must resign.

However, the question is: Resign from what? The presidency of the Chamber of Deputies? Or his seat in the Chamber of Deputies? If he only resigns from the presidency, he could still face expulsion plus eight years of being ineligible to run for office again.

But if he gives up his parliamentary seat he could run for office again as soon as next year and go back to his post as if nothing had ever happened. Such is the law for congressmen in Brazil.



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