Survey Shows Brazilians Less Confident and with Lower Expectations

The Brazilian Consumer Confidence Index (ICC) regarding Brazil’s economic situation declined 3.4% between March and April, falling from 107.1 to 103.5.

According to the data released today, April 26, by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), evaluations worsened with respect to both the current situation and the outlook for the next six months.

This is the third straight month in which the FGV survey registered a decline in the index, which is calculated each month, taking into account the Index of the Current Situation and the Index of Expectations.

The Index of the Current Situation also went down from 107.1 in March to 103.5 in April. The greatest decline occurred in the item in which the family’s financial situation is evaluated.

The percentage of consumers that consider their family’s financial situation as "good" dropped from 19.5% to 17.3%, while the percentage that gave "bad" as a response rose from 16.2% to 18.0%.

The Index of Expectations also fell, from 107.1 to 103.6. On the item referring to the economic situation of the city in which the respondent lives, the percentage of consumers forecasting an improvement decreased from 28.4% to 23.6%, while the percentage that expects things to get worse rose from 11.6% to 15.2%.

The ICC is calculated from responses to the Survey of Consumer Expectations, which is based on a sample of 2000 residences in seven of the most important Brazilian capitals. The data for the April 2006 edition were gathered during the period April 3-20.

Agência Brasil


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