Brazil Urges Israel to Show Restraint in Palestinian Territories

The Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations (Itamaraty) expressed the Brazilian government’s "extreme concern" over Israeli military incursions against occupied Palestinian territories in the operation denominated Summer Rains.

According to the Brazilian note released Thursday afternoon, June 29, the ministry summoned the Israeli ambassador to Brazil, Tzipora Rimon, to inform her of the government’s concern.

The Itamaraty reaffirmed that Brazil is opposed to "unilateral initiatives or retaliatory acts that could help unleash a new spiral of violence in the region."

According to the note, the government regrets the losses suffered by the Palestinian civilian population, including the lack of electricity and drinking water.

The Itamaraty goes on to underscore that the Brazilian government asks both sides to confide in the authority of the international community to resume peace-making efforts to end the conflicts in the region.



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