Brazil Plans to Harvest 121 Million Tons of Grain

The first study of sowing intentions for the Brazilian 2006/2007 crop, disclosed in Brazilian capital BrasÀ­lia Thursday, October 5, shows that soy, maize and cotton seed and lint should grow when compared to the previous crop.

Brazil should pick between 117.7 and 120.6 million tons of grain in total. In the previous harvest, a total of 119.9 million tons were picked.

According to the National Food Supply Company (Conab), the area on which soy should be grown is estimated at between 20.5 and 21.2 million hectares. This represents a reduction of between 7.6% and 5.1% in the area on which the oleaginous plant will be cultivated, due to farmer losses in the last three crops.

Despite the reduction in the cropland, the Conab study forecasts production of between 53.5 million and 55.0 million tons of soy, equivalent to expansion of up to 3%. According to the Conab, the growth of production may be attributed to the fact that producers prefer to plant more on more productive areas, which result in greater productivity.

According to the Conab study, maize production in the 2006/2007 crop should be between 41.9 million tons and 42.9 million tons, which means an increase of up to 3%. The center-southern region answers to approximately 89.5% of national production.

Still according to the study, the growth in production of cotton in the midwestern region should be between 1.9 million and 2.1 million tons. With this, according to the Conab, the region should have a participation of between 60.8% and 61.5% in national production. Mato Grosso, in the region, is the state occupying the first position in Brazilian cotton production.

Regarding rice, there should be a significant reduction in the harvest and the crop should be between 11.3 million and 11.6 million tons. For the study, technicians at the Conab executed the study between September 18 and 22, interviewing representatives of cooperatives, public and private organizations, financial agents and producers.


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