Brazil Invests US$ 5.7 Million in Biodiesel Quality Control

Brazil starts ambitious biodiesel program Brazil is going to invest US$ 5.7 million to prepare 32 laboratories that will be in charge of evaluating and attesting the quality of the biodiesel consumed in the country. This task will be done through Finep (Studies and Projects Funding Body), an organization connected to the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology.

The investment will be applied in equipment for the laboratories to be capable of accomplishing this role.

The idea is for each region to have anchor laboratories to subsidize smaller ones. An analyst who is responsible for energy products at Finep, Laércio Siqueira explains that the funds are important, as all fuels consumed in the country must follow standards established by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).

"In the South of Brazil, the University of Blumenau is in charge of this work," stated Laércio Siqueira.

In each state there will be laboratories created or prepared by the Finep to operate as a kind of appendix to anchor institutes, to be part of the network to control biodiesel.

Laércio Siqueira points out that the forecast for this process to begin is 12 to 18 months and that these laboratories currently do not certify the fuel.

He pointed out that the investment may still be increased this year and secondary equipment, which is not being purchased now, may still be acquired.


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