Brazil’s Perdigí£o Announces Push into Foreign Market

Brazilian food company and meat processor Perdigão has informed shareholders and the market in general that the company has started operations in the market for beef products, aimed mainly to export markets. 

The company has signed an agreement with Arantes Alimentos Ltda., which will provide industrial beef processing products and should result in production of approximately 60,000 tons of beef products in 2006.

This production volume should increase Perdigão’s overall sales by close to US$ 120 million (270 million reais).

The company will export basically cuts under the Perdix brand name.  In Brazil, the company will sell top cuts for barbecue under the Perdigão and Nabrasa brands.

The Arantes plant handling the processing is located in Cachoeira Alta, state of Goiás, and is licensed to export to the European Union, Hong Kong and Arab, African, East European and South American countries. 

The plant has been closed for the past four months but will resume production this October, slaughtering approximately 750 head of cattle per day for Perdigão.

In a separate initiative, Perdigão is entering the Brazilian market for margarines, offering two brands with distinctive flavors.  Perdigão is launching the first Brazilian margarine especially aimed at the children’s market under the Turma da Mônica brand and another more traditional version under the Borella brand name.

The production of the margarines will be in association with Coamo Agroindustrial Cooperativa from Campo Mourão, state of Paraná.

Perdigão S.A. –


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