Brazil Prods Haiti to Vote and Offers Support

The message that Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, conveyed to the election candidates in Haiti is that Brazil is ready to help a democratic government that is open to dialogue.

“As it has been doing. The government that results from the elections has an enhanced prospect of help and cooperation, because you have stability in the government’s administrative machinery,” he explained.

For the Minister, this moment presented an opportunity to encourage the country in the development of its electoral process. The dates determined by the Provisional Electoral Council for the elections are near: November 20, for the first round, and January 3, 2006, for the second round.

Amorim conversed with at least seven of the 54 candidates who have signed up to run for President. According to the Minister, none of them manifested concern over any influences on the electoral process.

“I didn’t hear complaints from any of the candidates about the police or forces linked to the government or business interests that could interfere with their campaigns. There are places where the security situation is difficult, and this was expressed by all of them in one way or another,” he said.

The biggest concern voiced by the candidates involves the mechanism of the electoral process. According to the Minister, delays in making decisions could affect the timetable.

“The point on which all agree is that the date of February 7, which has both constitutional and symbolic importance in Haiti, should be maintained,” he said.

He pointed out, however, that it may be necessary to extend the time periods, such as those set for the rounds of the election, in order to register voters.

Agência Brasil


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