Brazil Says It Will Meet But Not Exceed Its 4.25% Primary Surplus Goal

Brazil’s Minister of Planning, Paulo Bernardo, said that the government will meet the primary surplus goal set for this year at 4.25% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The budget programming decree signed Tuesday, May 16, expands the federal government’s participation in the primary surplus to 3.35% of the GDP. The previous target for the federal government, as determined in the Budget Guidelines Law, was 3.15%.

Bernardo affirmed once again that, unlike what has occurred in previous years, this year the government intends to comply strictly with the primary surplus target and not greatly exceed it.

Meanwhile, the Brazilian internal federal securities public debt (bonds emitted by the government) registered a drop in US$ 8.55 billion in the month of April, in comparison to the previous month.

This was a reduction of 1.8%, caused by the call on public securities, which added up to US$ 12.48 billion last month. The information is on the monthly report on the debt and open market, released by the Ministry of Finance.



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