People protest in Sao Paulo against an anti-abortion bill

Rape Victims in Brazil Who Abort Can Get 20 Years in Jail, Double of What a Rapist Would Get

Abortion is illegal in Brazil with only three exceptions: risk to the life of ...

Robinho must serve his nine-year jail sentence for rape in his native Brazil

Brazilian Justice Rules Robinho Will Serve Italian Nine-year Rape Sentence in Brazil

Brazilian judges have ruled to uphold former footballer Robinho’s Italian rape conviction, adding that ...

“The leave is also intended to protect adoptive mothers and non-pregnant mothers in same-sex unions.”

Woman Married to Woman Entitled to Paternity Leave When Companion Gives Birth, Rules Brazil Supreme

Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) ruled that non-pregnant women in same-sex unions are entitled ...

Message on the T-shirt: YES to Human Rights in Brazil

Religious Extremism and Intolerance Give Way to Renewed Human Rights in Brazil

The result of Brazil’s election last October was a cause for celebration for many ...

Lula and Janja share a kiss after his election win on last October 30. 

Janja, Lula’s Wife, Will Give a New Meaning to First Lady

The future first lady of Brazil, Rosângela Lula da Silva, nicknamed Janja, will work ...

Close to 5000 Black Women Are Running for Office in Brazil. A record

Juliana Mittelbach, a 40-year-old hospital nurse from the city of Curitiba, Brazil, had long ...

Brazilian singer Elza Soares was often referred to as the Brazilian Tina Turner

Elza Soares: Brazil’s Voice of the Millennium Goes Silent

Elza Soares, one of the most revered singers in Brazilian samba music, died at ...

Maré de Sabores Project / Photo: Douglas Lopes

Brazilian Women Spearhead Initiatives to Address Gender-Based Violence

In Brazil, women are at huge risk of violence, especially if they are minorised ...

A painting of a woman lying in bed next to a man. Heritage Images/Hilton Fine Art Collection via Getty Images

Why Women’s Casual Sex Is Seen So Negatively by Male and Female?

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously called the Roaring Twenties – which happened on the heels ...