More than 350 municipalities have been affected by the heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul

Worst Flood in 80 Years Leaves 85 Dead and 130 Missing After Environmental Code is Changed in Brazil

Brazil’s southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, has been severely affected by the heaviest ...

A Brazilian Army soldier rescues a boy - Exército Brasileiro

In Brazil, When They Can’t Deal with the Flood They Call the Army

Thousands of people benefited from actions to deliver supplies and provide transportation and first ...

Brazil’s Housing Plans for the Poor Look Good Only on Paper

The two most recent floods that have hit Brazil have served to underline the ...

Will Brazil Wait for Another Tragedy Before Dealing with Killer Floods?

As tens of thousands of Rio de Janeiro based families in the Serrana region ...

Brazil Vows Not to Allow Houses Rebuilt on Floodplains After Dozens Are Killed

Brazil’s minister of Cities, Márcio Fortes, has confirmed that houses destroyed by floods in ...

Death Toll Rises to 57 in Brazilian Floods. Dozens Still Missing

The toll of deaths due to flooding in Brazil’s Northeast region states of Alagoas ...

Brazil’s Painful Rite of Summer: Mourning Those Killed in the Floods

It happens every single summer, in many cities of South-Southeast Brazil. The rain season ...

Brazilian Flood: 116 Dead and No Place to Rebuild

"This is the worst climatic tragedy of Santa Catarina's history," said governor Luiz Henrique ...

Calamity State: Floods Kill 84 in the South of Brazil

The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, is expected to sign this ...