Why Can’t Brazil Bashers Accept the Simple Fact that Lula Won Reelection?

Brazilian president Lula right after reelection with T-shirt reading This is Brazil's victory

For those who read the national and international news media, mainly the
interactive media offered by the Internet, is becoming more common to see a
flood of instantaneous criticism aimed at the Brazilian government and Brazil
itself, no matter what the facts may one day reveal.

This important site, Brazzil magazine, is one of the channels for that recent phobia, due to the fact that it is devoted to Americans and written both by American “Brazilianists” and by the international community.

Two episodes of the recent Brazilian history were depicted here and if they are both very carefully studied one can see how incredibly high are the similarities between both events.

In the previous accident with the Legacy jet, Joe Sharkey, the New York Times reporter specialized in travel, who was inside the executive jet, pointed his finger at the government and its agencies from the beginning stating that the military flight controllers actually put the two planes in a collision route. That assumption was immediately taken by most of the Internet community as the truth and a new “crucifixion” was in course even without a fair judgment.

Since this site is written in English – by people who for the most part live in Brazil or have lived in Brazil in the past – the subject has reached unexpected levels of audience in the international community and there was a day in which the public opinion – even without any firm conclusion about the accident – had already made their minds accusing the Brazilian government and their untrained, unprofessional, unqualified, incapable, unetc… people.

Today, that view (that the unprepared re-elected PT Government was the “cause” of the accident) is not firmly accepted worldwide as being the real and only cause of the accident. The subject is being discussed in several courts and is reaching a level in which pressure had to be taken of the back of the Brazilian government and its agents. Evidence shows that the main responsibility is now with the Legacy pilots who may have turned off the transponder of that airplane.

During the episode, many bitter things have been said about Brazil, its government and its people who have been often mentioned as second class citizens. All of this at the exact moment when these same Brazilians were revealing a new facet of their pride about their nation, which after so many years, centuries maybe, is finally changing the terrible paradigm that has always been the goal for all previous administrations: making bigger and bigger the gap between the poor and the rich.

The reader can note that the bias of what is being stated about this country is mostly negative, in spite of the fact that some of the subjects discussed are well conceived and present valid criticism. The majority of what is written, however, shows an agenda behind the line of thinking of those who are writing…

After the latest accident with the TAM Airbus, the Brazilian government – responsible for Congonhas runway – became once again the target for the same writers who didn’t wait for any clear evidence of what had happened in Congonhas before starting the shooting, offending the government and the Brazilian people with their phobia and testing the strength of the reelected government of the Workers Party (PT).

As soon as it was revealed that the Congonhas runway may have not been the principal cause of the terrible accident, that the aircraft itself may have had the main role, these “blood hunters” have taken the finger off the trigger and have been resting. No one knows how long this rest will take, though.

The similarities are obvious and grotesque, and the perpetrators are always the same: those inside the borders – Brazilians or foreigners – and those abroad, who do not accept that the majority of the people of Brazil have chosen president Lula and his Workers Party to rule the country.

The election of a metal worker, mainly by the poor, for the presidency of one of the largest countries on earth has put in check many heavy private and government interests around the globe and it is still far from being accepted.

The opposition starts with fellow rich Brazilian countryman who spent the last five or six decades (or even more) depositing their money in the American and Swiss banks “defending” it from being devaluated inside the borders of Brazil.

Now these same Brazilians don’t want to believe the reality when they see the graphs on newspapers showing that those deposits abroad have already devaluated around 50% mainly because of the economical policy of the “incompetent” PT government of Brazil, which has finally started to privilege the rescue of the poor Brazilians from their stone-age level, instead of defending the centenary privileges (mordomias) of the rich.

Sooner or later people will realize that opposition in Brazil is again being unfair and all they want is to bring the government down by force since they weren’t able to do it in the ballot box.

Of course they have to do their opposition to the government, no doubt about it. It’s their job. But by making opposition to the deep desire of the Brazilian people to make their lives a little less primitive is a terrible mistake and a bizarre nonsense that will be shown to be a shot in their own foot. Hopefully.

Luís Carlos de Oliveira is a Brazilian journalist and a former chief Editor for Jornal Terra Nostra.


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