Best-seller books, plays & movies



As Malandragens de Scapino — Molière’s comic classic
about a deceitful servant. Directed by João Bethencourt with Gláucia
Rodrigues and André Mattos.

Cabaret Filosófico — The theater becomes a bar
for existential questions. Written and directed by Domingos de Oliveira.
Ana Borges and Frederico Eça star.

Eu Sei que Vou Te Amar </i

movies &
best-seller books





As Malandragens de Scapino — Molière’s comic classic
about a deceitful servant. Directed by João Bethencourt with Gláucia
Rodrigues and André Mattos.

Cabaret Filosófico — The theater becomes a bar
for existential questions. Written and directed by Domingos de Oliveira.
Ana Borges and Frederico Eça star.

Eu Sei que Vou Te Amar — Arnaldo Jabor’s tale about separated
couple who find out they are in love. Directed by William Pereira with
Júlia Lemmertz and Alexandre Borges.

Sonata Kreutzer — Directed by Eduardo Wotzik this play
by Leon Tolstoi tells the tragic tale of a man and his fate. Luís
Mello stars.

As Tias do Mauro Rasi — Mauro Rasi wrote and directs
this comedy in which his four fictional aunts from the title interact and
bug themselves silly. With Berta Loran and Murilo Benício.

São Paulo

Burundanga, a Revolta do Baixo Ventre — There’s panic
in a small town when two swindlers passing for military men talk about
an impending revolution. Written by Luís Alberto de Abreu. Ednaldo
Freire directs.

Cenas de um Casamento — This is the classic text by Ingmar
Bergman about a seemingly happy marriage. Vivian Buckup directs. Maria
Adelaide Amaral translated. Tony Ramos and Regina Braga star.

A Comédia — Complicated and funny love-triangle.
Maurício Lencasttre wrote and directs Viviane Dias, Ludh Raposo
and Gabriela Neri star.

Master Class — Maria Callas’s memories. Her career and
marriage to Aristotle Onassis. By Terence McNally. Translated by Millôr
Fernandes and directed by Jorge Takla. Marília Pera é Callas.




American films just released: The Rock (A Rocha), Eddie (Eddie,
Ninguém Segura Esta Mulher), Celluloid Closet (Celulóide
Secreto), Faithful (Fiel, Mas Nem Tanto), Eye for an Eye (Olho por Olho),
Independence Day (Independence Day), Separate Lives (Dupla Personalidade),
The Substitute (O Substituto), Richard III (Ricardo III), Home for the
Holidays (Feriados em Família)

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Entre o Inferno e
o Profundo Mar Azul)
— Belgium — 1995 — The moving friendship between
a Greek radio operator and a Chinese girl. Directed by Mario Hänsel.
Starring Stephen Rea, Ling Chu and Adrian Brine.

A Comédia de Deus (God’s Comedy) — Portugal —
1995 — A 50 year-old Portuguese artisan, João de Deus, seduces
young ladies so he can add to his collection of pubic hair. With Max Monteiro,
Manuela de Freitas, Cláudia Teixeira and Gracinda Nave. Directed
by João César Monteiro.

Der Bewgte Mann (O Homem Mais que Desejado) — Germany
— 1994 — A womanizer confounds everybody when he is expelled from home
and decides to live with an homosexual. By Sönke Wortmann with Til
Schweiger and Katja Riemann.

Guantanamera (Guantanamera) — Spain/Cuba — 1995 — How
to transport the dead during a fuel crisis in Cuba. Directed by Tomás
Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabia with Carlos Cruz, Mirtha Ibbara
and Salvador Wood.

Land and Freedom (Terra e Liberdade) — England — 1995
— By Ken Loach with Ian Hart, Rosana Pastor, Iciar Bollain, Tom Gilroy,
Marc Martinez and Frederic Pierrot. A young British man leaves Liverpool
to join the Loyalist in the Spanish Civil War.

Mina Tannenbaum (Duas Amigas) — France/Belgium/Holland
— 1993 — Two female friends come of age in the ’70s in Paris. By Martine
Dogowson with Romane Bohringer and Elsa Zylberstein.

Trainspotting (Sem Limites) — England– 1996 — The tale
of a heroine-addicted group of friends. Directed by Danny Boyle. Starring
Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremmer and Johnny Lee Miller.

The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl (Leni Riefenstahl:
a Deusa Imperfeita)
— Germany/Belgium/England — 1993 — Documentary
about Hitler’s official film documentarian. By Ray Muller.





1. O Mundo de Sofia

Jostein Gaarder

2. A Profecia Celestina

James Redfield

3. Mas Será o Benedito?

Mário Prata

4. O Corredor da Morte V.I. (Duas Meninas)

Stephen King

5. O Xangô de Baker Street

Jô Soares

6. Comédia da Vida Privada

Luís Fernando Veríssimo

7. O Carteiro e o Poeta

Antonio Skarmeta

8. Manhã, Tarde e Noite

Sidney Sheldon

9. O Homem que Calculava

Malba Tahan

10. A Verdade de Cada Um

Zibia Gasparetto


1. Inteligência Emocional

Daniel Goleman

2. Almas Gêmeas

Mônica Buonfiglio

3. Minutos de Sabedoria

Torres Pastorino

4. Só o Amor É Real

Brian L. Weiss

5. Guia New York — Compras

Kátia Zero

6. Anaw6kx Cabalísticos

Mônica Buonfiglio

7. Frases

Paulo Coelho

8. Blá, Blá, Blá Mamonas Assassinas

Eduardo Bueno

9. A Assustadora História da Medicina

Richard Gordon

10. Em Busca da Empresa Quântica

Clemente Nóbrega

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