Mata Atlântica Forest - Wikimedia Commons

Brazil’s Atlantic Forest Will See More Changes in Five Decades than in the Last 21,000 Years

Brazil’s Atlantic Forest is one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth. Roughly ...

Rio's National Museum after the fire that burned it all - Tânia Rêgo/ABr

Brazil Teaches that Museums Can Be Quite Ephemeral

On September 2, the National Museum of Brazil lit up Rio de Janeiro’s night ...

Slave ship

How Brazil Used Cachaça, Tobacco and Gold to Keep Slave Trade Going

Sections of a Brazilian slave ship from the 19th century. Robert Walsh, as shown ...

Slavery in Brazil by German painter Johann Moritz Rugendas, Voyage Pittoresque Dans Le Brésil

In Brazil, Legacy of Slavery Lives On with Subservience, Violence and Slave Labor

Brazil abolished slavery 130 years ago, but its society has failed to deal with ...

Tapajós National Forest set on fire, which is the cheapest way to get rid of the trees

It Doesn’t Change: For 500 Years, the Elite Has Been Dilapidating Brazil’s Natural Riches

Brazil. The fifth largest country in the world. Besides housing the world’s largest rainforest ...