
The Thrill of Eating

The cascade of demises begins after Daniel meets Lucídio,  a man of apparent refinement ...

Too Many Fingers

In Jô Soares’s Twelve Fingers there’s a gag a minute. Sure, there are one-liners ...

Art and Intrigue

Although the book reads well and Rubem Fonseca deserves to be better known in ...

Sherlock Goes to Rio

The silliness occasionally threatens to get out of hand, but all in all A ...

Verse and Reverse

It is so rare to see Portuguese-language poems translated into English and published in ...

José de Alencar

The story starts off with the bright plumage of an epic poem (or the ...

Ordinary Faces

Genevieve Naylor’s wartime work in Brazil as photographer was not a documentary or confrontational ...

Just a Fable

This story runs aground somewhat when it swims into its dream imagery, but the ...

Black and White in Gray

The 1969 kidnapping in Brazil of American ambassador Charles Burke Elbrick made him a ...

Bye-bye, Bad Girl!

In her last studio album—Com Você… Meu Mundo Estaria Completo from ’99—Cássia Eller sang ...