Bosch Opens Anti-Lock Breaking System Factory in Brazil

Bosch is going to open an Anti-Lock Breaking System (ABS) factory in Brazil. The new line will be installed in the city of Campinas in the interior of the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo.

Bosch already has a factory in the city and the new unit should be in operation in the second half of 2007. The factory is going to supply the demand of carmakers in the Mercosur.

Currently, Bosch is a leader in the supply of ABS modules for carmakers installed in the Mercosur, but the components are brought from outside the region.

The company supplies the system for the main DaimlerChrysler, Fiat, General Motors, Peugeot and Citroën, Renault, Toyota and Volkswagen platforms.

Bosch, a multinational company that operates in 140 countries, has been present in Brazil for over 50 years. The company has four production units in the state of São Paulo, Paraná (South) and Bahia (Northeast).

In 2005, the company had net revenues of around US$ 1.9 billion in the country.



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