People protest in Sao Paulo against an anti-abortion bill

Rape Victims in Brazil Who Abort Can Get 20 Years in Jail, Double of What a Rapist Would Get

Abortion is illegal in Brazil with only three exceptions: risk to the life of ...

A Brazilian nurse at work.

Brazil Stops Poaching of Highly Qualified Nurses by Germany

Considering the shortage of health workers in Germany, there have been efforts to recruit ...

More than 350 municipalities have been affected by the heavy rains in Rio Grande do Sul

Worst Flood in 80 Years Leaves 85 Dead and 130 Missing After Environmental Code is Changed in Brazil

Brazil’s southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, has been severely affected by the heaviest ...

A protester being beaten by the police during the dictatorship

60 Years After the Military Coup Brazil´s Democracy Keeps Traits of Authoritarianism

The Brazilian transition from the civil-military dictatorship to the New Republic in the 1990s ...

Justice Alexandre de Moraes says Musk initiated a public "disinformation campaign"

Brazil’s Supreme Court Investigates Elon Musk on Suspicion of Spreading Fake News

Brazil’s Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has ordered the inclusion of multibillionaire Elon ...

A book by former Brazzil contributor John Fitzpatrick.

“Compared with São Paulo, New York is Sleepy Hollow.” A new book about Brazil´s biggest city.

Former Brazzil contributor John Fitzpatrick has just published a collection of short stories called ...

Vieira said he was confident that Brazil's friendship with Israel would survive the behavior of the current government in Tel Aviv

Brazil Keeps Lula’s Line of Blaming Israel for Genocide and Blocking Humanitarian Aid

Brazil’s Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira told his country’s Senate Thursday that Israel’s “blockade of ...

“I seek pacification, to erase the past and find a way for us to live in peace,” Bolsonaro told his followers

For These Brazilians Lula Lost the Election and Brazil Is a Dictatorship

Hundreds of thousands of people clad in Brazilian national team jerseys waving flags of ...

According to a report from the IMF released Tuesday, Brazil is now the ninth-largest economy in the world.

Economy: Brazil Is Back to World’s Top Ten

“They don’t know the work you have to do to be so lucky,” President ...